Menstrual Cup Sterilizer
Menstrual Cup Sterilizer
Menstrual Cup Sterilizer

Menstrual Cup Sterilizer

Sale price4,95 € Regular price9,90 €
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If you're not satisfied, we'll give you your money back for up to 60 days. The following should be noted:

  1. You have to register the return with us. More info here.
  2. All products to be refunded must be returned to us.
  3. The costs of the return must be covered by yourself. Products with defects are excluded.

60 days money-back guarantee

If you're not satisfied, we'll give you your money back for up to 60 days. The following should be noted:

  1. You have to register the return with us. More info here.
  2. All products to be refunded must be returned to us.
  3. The costs of the return must be covered by yourself. Products with defects are excluded.

Foldable Sterilizer for Your Menstrual Cup

  • Quick and effective cleaning of your menstrual cup (instead of boiling)
  • Foldable and therefore easy to transport
  • Clean transport for your menstrual cup

How to:

  1. Rinse the menstrual cup and sterilizer with water.
  2. Fill the sterilizer up to the mark (first fold line from the top) with clean water.
  3. Place the menstrual cup in the center. You can (but don't have to) close the lid of the sterilizer.
  4. Put the sterilizer in the microwave for 3-5 minutes at medium power (about 750 - 800 watts). Make sure that the grill function of the microwave is not turned on! The water must boil to achieve the necessary disinfecting effect.
  5. Attention! After the cleaning process, the sterilizer contains hot steam. Let the sterilizer cool down in the microwave for at least 3 minutes before removing it.

No Microwave Available?

  • In the oven, the (closed, filled with water) sterilizer should "bake" on baking paper at 180 degrees Celsius for about 10 minutes.
  • The sterilizer is also suitable for cold sterilization with denture cleaner.


  • Menstrual cups should be air-dried and therefore not stored permanently in the sterilizer – only during sterilization or transport.
  • You don't need to sterilize the menstrual cup after each use. During your period, it is sufficient to rinse it daily with cold water. We recommend sterilizing it at the beginning and end of your period.

100% silicone

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