Tampon vergessen rauszuholen? Alles was du wissen musst!

Forgot to take out a tampon? Everything you need to know!

There's a lot going on, the hormones are going crazy or you've just had a stressful day when you realize - fuck, I forgot the tampon in me! Don't panic now and read it here, usually it's not that bad.
Period explained in all colors Reading Forgot to take out a tampon? Everything you need to know! 4 minutes Next Hypomenorrhea - Very light period

Who doesn't know that hectic feeling when looking for a tampon?

But it's even worse if we haven't just forgotten the tampon somewhere, but IN our MUMU .

It might sound funny, but it can turn out pretty ugly under certain circumstances.
So that you know what is important in such a situation, we will explain the most important things that you should definitely pay attention to when you forget a tampon.


The crux of the matter is that if a tampon is in the right place, we don't feel it at all.

If an inserted tampon is forgotten in the vagina, this can be noticed by various symptoms.

Even if you are unsure, go to the gyn, she can help!

Already tried: Our underwear for menstruation.

Our period panties as a sustainable alternative to panty liners, tampons and pads .

Table of contents

1. How do you know if you forgot your tampon?

Can it really happen that you forget to remove a tampon? Yes.

And that's actually not that rare. While researching this topic, we even came across the fact that some women keep the forgotten tampon in their bodies for weeks and months. It is clear that this cannot be a good thing. But dangerous? And how do you even notice that there is still a tampon in the vagina?

The crux of the matter is that if a tampon is in the right place, we don't feel it at all. So it's no wonder that the little hygiene helpers are often forgotten. In an emergency, the first thing to do is: keep calm .
For many women it is the case that they do not notice any consequences or symptoms and the tampon then slips out again on its own at some point. However, you should not rely on this.
If you find that you forgot your tampon in your vagina: please speak to your doctor – just to be really sure.

2. The symptoms

If an inserted tampon is forgotten in the vagina, this can be noticed by various symptoms.

Very important: If you notice one of the following things about yourself, it does not automatically mean that you have forgotten a tampon. There can also be organic, hormonal or mechanical causes.

Basically, a tampon should not be in the female body for more than 4-8 hours .

If this is the case, the following symptoms can indicate a forgotten tampon (but they do not have to):

  • Foul-smelling, mostly red-brown discharge.
  • Sudden fever, chills, circulatory problems, fainting, nausea and vomiting can indicate the so-called toxic shock syndrome (TSS for short).
  • Very dry mucous membranes in and around your vagina.

3. SOS: What can I do?

As soon as you realize you forgot a tampon, you should remove it immediately .

Ideally, you can get hold of the return strap and simply pull out the good piece.

If the cotton thread has come loose, try to feel for the tampon with washed fingers. This is often a little easier when sitting or crouching . If that doesn't work, please see your doctor.

And don't worry: you don't have to be embarrassed.

4. Did you just forget a tampon?

A big sigh of relief if you "just" forgot your tampon at home.

At least you don't have to worry about how to get that thing out of you now.

However, even with a forgotten-in-the-drawer tampon, things can get extremely uncomfortable.

The good news : If you forget to take your tampon with you, it usually only happens once (haha) . Because you don't want to experience that hectic feeling again! Fortunately, a friend, colleague or fellow student always has a tampon with her.
So that you are always perfectly armed against your period from now on, you can subscribe to our organic tampons , or hey - have you ever tried period panties ? They ensure that you never have to worry about lost tampons again!

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