
It all starts with a late period...

Your safety net for postpartum floods and a safety zone for discharge during pregnancy.

Wochenfluss nach Kaiserschnitt: Tabuthema? Nicht bei uns!

Weekly flow after cesarean section: taboo topic? Not with us!

Have you had a cesarean section, are you about to have one or are you simply wondering - What about my weekly flow after I had a cesarean section? Is he coming anyway? And if so, how much and for h...
Die erste Periode nach der Schwangerschaft

The first period after pregnancy

After the pregnancy is everything the same as before? puff cake! And that also applies to your menstrual period, which is a long time coming after you have given birth. Find out everything that is ...
Vaginas nach der Geburt: Was du wissen solltest

Vaginas after childbirth: what you should know

Worn out, not like before, looks weird? All postpartum vaginal rumors, probably spread by anxious, ignorant men, *winkwink*. We're here today to clear up the rumors and tell you what's really going...
How to: Schwanger werden durch Zyklusplanung

How to: Get pregnant through cycle planning

Getting pregnant made easy? No, let's face it - getting pregnant can be a pretty long and hard road. But dealing with your menstrual cycle and knowing your own body is definitely part of it.
Wochenflussstau - Anzeichen und was du jetzt tun musst

Weekly river congestion - signs and what you need to do now

Stagnation of the weekly flow occurs when the weekly flow cannot drain properly and accumulates in the uterus or in the vagina. This can have different causes. Find out everything you need to know ...
Periode trotz Stillen - Wann du dir (keine) Sorgen machen solltest

Period despite breastfeeding - when you should (not) worry

Oh god, I'm bleeding again?! Then wean off quickly! Nooo, stop! We bust the myth that it's bad to breastfeed when your period comes back after giving birth and explain exactly what you're dealing w...