Bloody hell, schon wieder schlecht geschlafen?!

Bloody hell, slept badly again?!

Sleepless nights because you're menstruating? If you thought that was a coincidence - it probably wasn't. Because insomnia and periods are related. Learn more here.
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What's even worse than not being able to sleep in? Clearly: Not being able to fall asleep!

Especially before menstruation, some women observe that all attempts to count sheep, change sleeping position or spontaneous meditation do not help at all.

The sleep disorders before the period have now been scientifically examined and it is true: the cycle influences sleep efficiency. Ah, we knew it...

Scientists around the medical student Anne E. Kim from the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine measured the sleep quality of ten women between the ages of 18 and 28 during their menstruation. As published on the science portal, the results show:

Shortly before menstruation, sleep efficiency decreases by 3.3 percent. Sound like peanuts? Specifically, it means that on the days leading up to the days, women wake up more often in between and it took them an average of 15 minutes longer to fall asleep. 15 minutes, that's hitting snooze at least twice in the morning. So we're really reluctant to give them away.


Disturbed sleep before your period is scientifically proven .

Shortly before menstruation, sleep efficiency decreases.

The sleep disturbances come from changes in ovarian hormones throughout the menstrual cycle.

Table of contents

1. Can't sleep?

Another survey conducted by the US National Sleep Foundation found that 23 percent of the menstruating men surveyed observed such sleep disorders in themselves before their period , and 30 percent even said they were able to sleep less well during their menstrual period . So, trouble sleeping before your period is real.

According to the researchers, the sleep problems are likely caused by: "Changes in ovarian hormones throughout the menstrual cycle." The love hormones so (again). By the way, after ovulation , the level of progesterone in your body increases. According to the Sleep Foundation, this can leave you feeling more sleepy than usual in the days that follow. First the tiredness and then the inability to fall asleep .

Thanks Mother Nature (not!). But hey, getting excited doesn't do anything (just worse sleep) and actually it's super cool to really be able to feel your body and what's going on in it.

2. Maybe this will make you snooze..

Of course, we all still want to get enough sleep. And even if we can't do anything directly against the hormone fluctuations, we have another tip for you: Watch your menstrual cycle and any sleep disturbances that may occur before your period, for example with a menstrual calendar . Write everything down so you can recognize patterns and at least prepare for them aka. Plan Netflix&Chill evening and just go to bed a little earlier.

By the way: You can find out here whether it is ok to sleep with a tampon without changing it during the night (actually, a new tampon should be put in after six hours at the latest).

And so that you don't have to worry at night whether you still have enough tampons at home, our organic tampons are available here in a super practical subscription right to your home.

3. Quick & Dirty - What really helps?

Of course, sleep disorders during the period are not only due to hormonal changes - we all know it! Maybe you are also one of those who have to deal with severe pain or emotional ups and downs. Argh! You have our sympathy! But don't despair, maybe there is still something here that can relieve you a little:

  1. Create a comfortable sleeping environment:
    Ensure a quiet, dark, and cool bedroom. Consider using curtains to block out the light and keep the room temperature comfortable.
  2. Regular sleep-wake cycle:
    Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to regulate your sleep-wake cycle.
  3. Relaxation before bed:
    Avoid exciting activities and screen time for at least an hour before bed. Instead, you could consider relaxing activities like reading, gentle stretching, or breathing exercises.
  4. Light evening meal:
    Avoid heavy and greasy meals just before bedtime. Eating a light, easily digestible meal can help prevent stomach upset.
  5. Keeping an eye on hydration:
    Drink enough water, but try to limit fluid intake before bed to minimize late-night trips to the bathroom.
  6. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol:
    Cut down on caffeinated beverages and alcohol, as these can disrupt sleep.
  7. Movement and relaxation:
    Regular physical activity can help promote sleep. Gentle stretching exercises, yoga, or light walks can be especially helpful during your period. Relaxation techniques like meditation or progressive muscle relaxation might also be useful.
  8. Pain management:
    If you suffer from menstrual cramps, talk to a gyn about pain relief options. The right pain treatment can help improve your sleep.
  9. Natural remedies:
    Herbal teas such as chamomile or lavender can have a calming effect and promote sleep. However, always consult your doctor before trying any new herbs or supplements.
  10. Don't despair, ask the doctor:
    If insomnia persists or worsens during your period, you should get it checked out. There could be an underlying medical cause that needs to be treated.

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