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Pregnant despite period - is that really possible?

It's actually possible to be pregnant even though you're on your period - don't you think? Then read everything here on the subject and why you hold a positive pregnancy test in your hands despite menstruation.
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You're actually holding a positive pregnancy test in your hands, and you're on your period... Is that even possible? It really can't be. After all, menstruation is a sign that nothing has lodged in the uterus. Or maybe that's not all true? We will enlighten you and know what the myth of “pregnant despite having a period” is all about.


From a medical point of view, pregnancy and periods cannot occur at the same time. The reason for this is the fertilization and implantation process in the female body.

Instead of menstruation, your vaginal bleeding may be due to other causes.

Light spotting in the first few months of pregnancy is not uncommon.

Table of contents

1. Pregnant despite period? No way!

Let's just talk straight to the point: It's simply impossible for you to get your period and still be pregnant. The female body is not made for that. BUT (!): There are always women who are already pregnant and continue to bleed. However, this is NOT the classic menstrual period .

From a medical point of view, pregnancy and periods cannot occur at the same time. The reason for this is the fertilization and implantation process in the female body.
But, HOW?? There is often a simple explanation for bleeding despite pregnancy. Instead of menstruation, your vaginal bleeding can have other causes...

2. Possible reasons for bleeding in pregnancy

Implantation bleeding (also known as implantation bleeding): Occurs up to 10 days after ovulation. This bleeding can be light pink or brown in color. In the REGULAR case *hihi* it is weaker than the period and usually only lasts about three days.
Bleeding due to altered hormonal balance: As soon as a fertilized egg has implanted itself in you, the hormones in the body like to go haywire. Everything is running at full speed, which can result in light vaginal bleeding.
Bleeding associated with the pill: When using hormonal contraceptives, the cycle is artificially regulated. Under certain circumstances, you may continue to have "artificial" withdrawal bleeding even though the egg cell has already been fertilized.

3. Pregnant despite spotting?

Light spotting in the first few months of pregnancy is not that rare and is generally not a direct cause for concern. However, you should consult your doctor just in case. A trained eye can clarify possible causes and offer you the necessary security.

Whatever the reason, your panties are definitely not happy about the unannounced bleeding.

Tip: simply strap on a panty liner or pad (but make sure that it is made of organic cotton, especially during pregnancy). Safety first!

4. Pregnant despite the pill?

If you take the pill correctly, this little round thing is one of the most reliable contraceptives . But even the safest method does not provide 100 percent protection against pregnancy. Especially not if you're a little sloppy with the pill. Being pregnant when you're actually on the pill may be rare - BUT CAN HAPPEN. 🤰

The three most common reasons why two lines suddenly appear on the pregnancy test despite being on the pill:

Forgotten the pill: If you are using the pill and you are not planning to become pregnant, you should get used to swallowing the pill at the same time every time. The more often you deviate from "your" usual intake times, the more likely it is that you can get pregnant despite the pill.
The pill and other medications: did you know that antibiotics, St. John's wort and activated charcoal can reduce the contraceptive effectiveness of the pill? So if you need to take other medications in addition to hormonal contraceptives, be sure to talk to your doctor about it.
Pill and gastrointestinal disease: You just took your pill and suddenly you have diarrhea and/or vomiting?! Not only is this pretty uncool, but it can also affect the effectiveness of the pill. As a rule of thumb, if you vomit within four hours of taking the pill or need to go to the bathroom because of diarrhea, your body has not yet been able to absorb the hormone dose from the pill. For reliable protection, you should swallow a new pill as soon as possible.

Planned or not, pregnancy is just a wonderful thing. And so that you feel absolutely comfortable in your own skin after the birth, we have worked with midwives to develop the ultimate survival kit for all new mums and dads: the Mammabox - recommended by real mums and a must for you or yours Favorite! 😍

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