Die erste Periode nach der Schwangerschaft

The first period after pregnancy

After the pregnancy is everything the same as before? puff cake! And that also applies to your menstrual period, which is a long time coming after you have given birth. Find out everything that is important now.

As we all know, Aunt Rosa takes a vacation during pregnancy. Well-deserved, of course, since she usually makes sure that everything runs smoothly (more or less) every month. But once the baby is here, new moms can ask themselves: When will their first period actually come again after birth?

First things first: The first period after the birth of a child can sometimes take quite a long time to arrive. But why is that? When does the bleeding start again - and how do you actually notice the difference to the period?


The length of time after giving birth that a woman does not have a period varies from woman to woman.

What happens immediately after giving birth is called “weekly bleeding” and has nothing to do with menstruation.

Breastfeeding mothers produce the hormone prolactin, which suppresses ovulation and therefore the first period after birth. It is therefore quite possible that you will not have a period while you are breastfeeding.

Table of contents

1. The first period: When does it happen?

First of all, the all-clear: If you have been waiting in vain for your period to return for weeks, it doesn't mean anything bad. After giving birth, the uterus has to shrink back down again. Not to mention the hormonal chaos that has to sort itself out again.

When things start flowing down there again also depends largely on how you feed your child.

Breastfeeding mothers produce the hormone prolactin , which suppresses ovulation and therefore the first period after birth. It is therefore quite possible that you will not have a period while you are breastfeeding.

But be careful: Breastfeeding is still not a reliable form of contraception! Sometimes ovulation starts unnoticed during the sucking phase - then you are fertile again and you may not even know it. So safety first...

2. Tampons yes or no?

When it's back, the next question comes up: Can you use tampons during your first period after giving birth? We say yes - if your routine gynecological examination was normal! Please make sure you get checked. If you still feel a bit uncomfortable, you can simply switch to organic sanitary pads or organic panty liners.

Our tip: Make sure your period products are organic. The vaginal mucosa is extremely absorbent and we don't think pesticides or chemicals should be there.

3. Lochia or menstrual bleeding?

Menstruation, also known as period bleeding, occurs in menstruating people when there is no pregnancy. It is a monthly bleeding that occurs due to the shedding of the uterine lining when no fertilized egg has implanted.
Lochia, on the other hand, occurs after the birth of a child and is a type of wound secretion from the uterus . It is caused by the healing process and the involution of the uterus after delivery.

Lochia usually lasts about 4 to 6 weeks after the birth of a baby. It is usually heavier in the first few days after birth and may then gradually decrease.
Lochia is usually dark red in the first few days after birth and may then change to a lighter reddish-brown or yellowish color. It is usually less heavy than menstrual bleeding.
It is important to know the difference between menstrual bleeding and lochia in order to detect possible health problems or complications after birth. If you are unsure or have any questions, you should always consult a doctor.

4. Very heavy bleeding?

When your period starts again after giving birth, you may experience very heavy (or perhaps even very light) bleeding. The changed hormone levels can have a lasting effect on the intensity .

But don't worry, we've got you covered!

In our subscription box, you can always choose the size of the tampons you receive and adjust them to the strength of your period.

That was quite a lot of information, so here's the most important thing again:

  • Your first period after your baby is born will not occur until at least 6 weeks after delivery – if you are breastfeeding, this can further suppress ovulation and your period.
  • Menstrual bleeding and lochia can be distinguished by their color and intensity.
  • The lochia becomes lighter towards the end, almost white, whereas the period is usually red.
  • The intensity of your period can change permanently after giving birth.
  • We deliver organic tampons, organic sanitary pads or organic panty liners to your home. Super flexible and adaptable at any time, whenever you want – one less thing for mom to do. 😉