Bralettes von The Female Company

Nipple alert: We are launching bralettes!

You asked for it: matching bralettes for period panties and Daysics®! Here they are: The Female Company is launching the softest #nipplefreeing bralettes ever.
Date night with your breasts: Palpation against breast cancer Reading Nipple alert: We are launching bralettes! 1 minute
Goodbye Boobs Prison, hello Nïpples!

You asked for it: matching bralettes for Period Pantys and Daysics®! Here they are: the softest #nïpplefreeing bralettes ever.

Because we say goodbye to #Nïpplezensur! Let's hang out!

The Female Company

No Taboos.

Wir sind Anni & Sinja, Gründerinnen von The Female Company. Wir haben keine Lust mehr auf Tabus - oder schädliche Stoffe in unseren Produkten. Du auch nicht?