Realtalk: Furunkel im Intimbereich

Real talk: furuncles in the intimate area

vulvar acne? Just don't lose your nerve and push around wildly, you'll only make it worse. Read here exactly how to get rid of those stupid boils in the intimate area and how to prevent them next time.
Big inner labia? Completely normal! Reading Real talk: furuncles in the intimate area 4 minutes Next Vulva or Vagina - What's the Difference?

vulvar acne? come on .

Even pimples on your mumu don't do that: furuncles in the genital area are not only totally shitty, but also MEGA painful.

And even if it's really difficult - we'll tell you why you shouldn't express it under any circumstances!


A boil is a painful inflammation of the hair follicle or hair follicle (folliculitis) and a form of abscess.

Please never express the abscess on your own. This allows bacteria and fungi to get into the blood , which can cause a serious infection, including blood poisoning.

Even in the shaved intimate area there are hairs in the skin that can become inflamed.

Table of contents

1. Totally harmless? Furuncles in the intimate area

Boil? on your vagina? Ouch. Not only does it sound extremely nasty, it is.

A boil is a painful inflammation of the hair follicle or hair follicle (folliculitis) and a form of abscess. This is often caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.

In plain language this means: A purulent inflammation forms around the deep-lying hair root, which appears as a yellowish plug with pus on the outside.
DANGER! Please never express the abscess on your own. This allows bacteria and fungi to get into the blood, which can cause a serious infection, including blood poisoning.

2. These are the causes

Furuncles often appear on the face, but the meanies actually make themselves at home wherever there is hairy skin on the body .

Yes, also in the intimate area. Because we all know that none of us down there are blessed with delicate baby skin. Every now and then a few hairs sprout.
Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you shaved your mumu or not.

Even in the shaved intimate area there are hairs in the skin that can become inflamed.

The main reason why a boil forms is infection of the hair follicle by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus . However, other bacteria and fungi that occur in the natural skin flora can also be responsible for such an inflammation.
In general, boils can occur at any age. Individual risk factors often play a role in the development of such an inflammation.

For example, boils tend to occur when the immune system is weakened - pregnancy, STDs, diabetes (diabetes mellitus), or AIDS.

3. Ingrown Hairs - This really helps


Furuncles in the genital area are really not exactly the burner and we can really imagine nicer things.

But actually, the ingrown hairs down there aren't the end of the world.

Of course, you should definitely not lend a hand yourself and express the new roommate. BUT: A few home remedies are still allowed.

  • Damp-warm envelopes
  • Pulling ointment (use carefully (!) in the intimate area)
  • Marigold Tincture
  • Garlic
  • tea tree oil
  • propolis

If you have discovered a boil in your intimate area, you should definitely see your doctor first . As a rule, an inflammation of the hair follicle must be treated medically or even surgically removed.

In the latter case, the furuncle is split open with a scalpel so that the pus can drain out. In the next few days you should avoid exercise, cool the area and rest. Then the spook is over quickly.

In order not to promote the development of boils in the genital area in the first place, you should pay attention to THIS:

  • Avoid tight, rubbing underwear.
  • Pay attention to sufficient hygiene.
  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Piercings or other foreign bodies can cause boils.
  • Only let period products made from organic cotton touch your vagina.

What is a boil?

A boil is an inflammation around a deep-seated hair root.

Why do you have boils in the intimate area?

In the intimate area, increased moisture, friction or perspiration can create a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

How do I get rid of boils?

Avoid squeezing or playing with the boils, as this can make the infection worse and spread. Keep the affected area clean and dry. Use a mild, unscented soap and warm water to gently cleanse the intimate area. Wear loose, breathable cotton underwear to reduce chafing and moisture. Avoid tight clothing and intense exercise, which can cause friction and irritation.

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