Good Flow?

Period underwear

Extremely absorbent and only 1mm thicker than normal underwear.

Period Power: How to exercise best during your period

Exercising during your period has long been a taboo subject. We say stop to that! Many menstruating people suffer from pain, tiredness, bloating and more while they have their period. T...
Non toxic Periodenprodukte

Heavy metals in tampons – What you need to know:

A research team from UC Berkeley found heavy metals such as lead and arsenic in tampons from various brands, which poses health risks. We had our tampons, sanitary pads, panty liners and period pan...
Free Bleeding leicht gemacht - 5 Tipps für Anfänger*innen

Free Bleeding Made Easy - 5 Tips for Beginners

Free bleeding is the most sustainable of all menstrual solutions. But just let it flow?'s not that easy. But maybe it's worth a try. Read more here.
Eine Hand hält eine Menstruationstasse

Swimming with a menstrual cup

Summer is here, time for the lake and the sea and the outdoor pool. You're menstruating, you prefer to use your cup and you're now asking yourself - Can something happen while swimming? We answer a...
How to (use): Softtampons – So einfach geht's

How to (use): Soft tampons – It's that easy

Soft tampons - the seductive little sponges that are often used for sports, visits to the sauna or a sexy time during menstruation. Read everything you need to know about them here.
SOS: Eisenmangel während der Periode!

SOS: Iron deficiency during the period!

Are you tired and listless during your period? It's quite normal. Or?! Alarm, alarm - This could also be an iron deficiency. It's actually quite likely that you're suffering from it.
Bloody hell, schon wieder schlecht geschlafen?!

Bloody hell, slept badly again?!

Sleepless nights because you're menstruating? If you thought that was a coincidence - it probably wasn't. Because insomnia and periods are related. Learn more here.
How to: Blutflecken rauskriegen

How to: get rid of blood stains

Heavy periods or not changing the tampon for too long and you already have annoying blood stains on your mattress, bed linen or panties. We now give you the absolute pro tips on what to do when it'...
Menstruationstasse geht nicht raus - Was tun?

Menstrual cup won't come out - what to do?

You're on your period, have a menstrual cup in it and it absolutely doesn't want to come out? That's when you can panic. But don't worry - keyword: negative pressure. We'll tell you how to solve it.