Good Flow?

Period underwear

Extremely absorbent and only 1mm thicker than normal underwear.

Periode zu früh: Was es bedeuten kann

Period too early: what it can mean

Are your periods too early again? And isn't this the first time this has happened? Are you annoyed because you have your period almost every two weeks and can never plan properly? Read everything a...
Regelschmerzen Ade - Tipps für angenehmere Tage

Farewell to menstrual pain - tips for more pleasant days

Period pains can be annoying, but they don't have to interfere with your life. A few simple lifestyle changes can reduce pain and make you feel better. Try these tips and see what works best.
Periode überfällig - Woran liegt's?!

Period overdue - what's the reason?!

Your days are too late and the only thing going on with you are future visions about unwanted pregnancies in a continuous loop? Keep calm and educate yourself - In this article you will find out wh...
Der ultimative Periodenartikel Vergleich - Welches Produkt passt zu mir?

The ultimate period article comparison - which product is right for me?

We still remember the days when there wasn't really anything besides tampons and pads that could make monthly bleeding easier. There are now more and more products for menstruators. You lose track ...
Durchfall & Periode: Gründe und was du tun kannst

Diarrhea & periods: reasons and what you can do

Period and you're tied to the toilet because not only the blood runs .. Ever experienced this? The combination of periods and diarrhea is shitty, but it's not a coincidence. Read everything you nee...
Hormon-Spirale und keine Periode mehr?

Hormone spiral and no more periods?

First continuous bleeding, then nothing more? After the insertion of the spiral, many know exactly this phenomenon. But why don't you get any more bleeding, isn't that unhealthy? Learn more here.
Periode verkürzen: 4 Tipps!

Shorten your period: 4 tips!

Days of cramping and the constant feeling of leaking? Annoying but unavoidable. Or? Not quite - we have tips and tricks for you on how to shorten your period naturally.
Keine Blutung in der Pillenpause? Wir klären auf!

No bleeding during the pill break? We clarify!

The bleeding stops even though you should get your period? But you won't get your period during the pill break anyway. didn't you know Find out here what happens during the pill break and the reaso...