No sooner has the contraceptive problem been solved (at least temporarily) with the IUD than, tadaaaa, the next thing would be: tampon and IUD – is that even possible?
Somehow you ask yourself if you can still use tampons now? It's kind of already "occupied" down there.
The answer: yes.
Vaginal discharge is not uncommon and nothing to be ashamed of !
Is your discharge white ? That sounds normal at first!
Is your discharge brown , yellow or green ? This can be a sign of illness, but it doesn't have to be.
Not in the mood for tampons? Use period panties!
Our underwear for menstruation as a sustainable alternative to panty liners, tampons and pads .
Table of contents
1. After inserting the spiral
In principle, the spiral has nothing against visitors (it would be illogical anyway, after all, that's why it's there in the first place).
The only exception: the spiral is a little diva right after it is installed and needs a lot of me-time to get used to its new home.
That means no sex, no tampons. And that for a whole seven days.
Particularly tricky: Most of the time, the insertion takes place exactly during the bleeding. The sex partner(s) can be exchanged for organic pads. Woohoo - not!
After that, the situation is fortunately a bit more relaxed and the spiral is happy when someone drops by from time to time. But she only leaves tampons in her, let's say, "front yard". Because the spiral is placed in the uterus - much deeper than a tampon would ever come. So there are no space problems . Nevertheless, the combination is not without problems.
This is because the IUD needs time to properly position and "anchor" itself in the uterus. Using tampons can interfere with this process and increase the risk of the IUD shifting or falling out prematurely. It's important to follow your doctor's specific instructions and use alternative menstrual products .
2. Tampons and an IUD already inserted
If the IUD is already properly positioned in the uterus and you are comfortable, you can usually use tampons . However, there are some important things to consider. Make sure you insert the tampon correctly so it doesn't touch or pull on the IUD. It is advisable to choose soft and smaller tampons to minimize the risk of irritation or damage to the coil .
Problem: The spiral comes with two appendages that have snuck out. The so-called retrieval threads , with which the spiral can be removed again. These protrude from the cervix into the vagina. Very rarely and in exceptional cases it can happen that the thread ends and the tampon stick together - and if you remove one, the other could slip out with it.
That's why the instructions for use with the spirals also "recommend the use of bandages". Ultimately, however, as is so often the case: you decide .
3. Consultation with your doctor
It's always a good idea to check with your doctor before using tampons while wearing an IUD. Every body and IUD is unique , and your doctor can provide you with customized instructions tailored to your specific situation.
If you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to contact a professional and ask for advice .
4. Alternative menstrual products
If you want to be on the safe side while wearing an IUD or have concerns about using tampons, there are alternative menstrual products to consider.
Panty liners and pads are safe options that should not affect the position or functionality of the IUD. They also offer the benefit of an eco-friendly and sustainable solution.
Or you can try our period panties , with which you can really relax.
The menstrual cup is another issue: people wearing the IUD should be careful when using the menstrual cup. It can happen that you accidentally pull the spiral when removing the menstrual cup. This is most likely to happen if the cup is inserted too far and is sitting directly on the cervix and the vacuum has not been released properly. Menstrual cup and spiral become inseparable, especially when the vacuum is not properly released. When removing the menstrual cup, it is therefore super-super-extremely important that you don't just tug and jerk wildly .
5. Body observation and prevention
Whether you use tampons or not, it's important to pay close attention to your body and notice any changes.
Look for unusual pain, bleeding, or other symptoms that could indicate a possible displacement or IUD problem.