SOS: Eisenmangel während der Periode!

SOS: Iron deficiency during the period!

Are you tired and listless during your period? It's quite normal. Or?! Alarm, alarm - This could also be an iron deficiency. It's actually quite likely that you're suffering from it.
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We lose a lot of blood during periods. Therefore , women have relatively high iron requirements compared to men . On average, we need 50 percent more iron than men. One reason why iron should be first on your periodic table.

But no worry! You don't have to mean well and start feeding your system with iron tablets. You should only resort to these remedies after consulting a doctor. There are a variety of iron-rich foods that you can use to help prevent iron deficiency before, during, and after your menstrual period.


Due to the loss of blood during the day , many menstruating women suffer from iron deficiency.

There are many iron-rich foods that you can use to get iron naturally.

Before you artificially supplement iron , have your doctor do a blood test to see if you actually have a deficiency.

Table of contents

1. Iron Deficiency Symptoms

The symptoms of iron deficiency usually come on gradually and are therefore so dangerous . During the period we are already tired, irritable and feel weak anyway. Therefore, this is often not associated with an iron deficiency.

What happens when there is an iron deficiency in our body? Iron is responsible for the formation of red blood cells. These in turn transport the oxygen in our blood to the organs. So if we're missing iron, we're going to be out of breath.

No iron - no power!
Especially if you have an extremely heavy menstrual period, you should eat iron-rich foods. This is how you can prevent anemia. If you have heavy menstrual bleeding of more than 40 milliliters, it may be that iron-rich foods are not enough to replenish the iron balance. Then a visit to the doc is recommended! A regular check-up of the iron values ​​cannot do any harm .

2. Prevent iron deficiency

The German Society for Nutrition recommends that women of childbearing age consume 15 mg of iron per day . Now the price question is what you can eat with iron deficiency and which foods really contain a lot of iron. So that you are stocked up with the right iron boosters before your next period, here is an overview of the top iron suppliers :

  1. pumpkin seeds
    Do you only bring pumpkins into your house on Halloween? You should rethink that quickly, because their cores are tough. With 12.5 milligrams of iron per 100 grams, they are the iron men among legumes.
  2. sesame

    Open Sesame! Give us your 10 milligrams of iron per 100 grams.

  3. linseed

    The chia seeds almost stole the show from the flaxseeds. But not only the domestic cultivation, but also the 8.2 milligrams of iron per 100 grams should make our decision to buy easy.

  4. quinoa

    Quinoa and amaranth like to pass themselves off as grains and are therefore classified as pseudo grains. But it doesn't matter, because with an iron content of 8 or 7.6 milligrams of iron per 100 grams, we can forgive you this little swindle.

  5. pistachios
    Did you know that the pistachio tree can live up to 300 years? No, neither do we. And what we also didn't know is that the pistachio not only tastes particularly good in ice cream, but also contains 7.3 milligrams of iron per 100 grams.
  6. apricots
    Dried apricots have it all. Not only are they super sweet and super tasty, they also come with an iron content of 4.4 milligrams per 100 grams. Chapeau!
  7. spinach
    Although it was mostly spurned as a child, it is a real miracle iron weapon. Of course, Popeye had known that for a long time. With 4.1 milligrams per 100 grams, the green dream is impressive. Don't forget! Vitamin C is the ultimate “fitter”. At the same time, vitamin C is required for the absorption of iron in the body. So quickly put a few more oranges and lemons on the shopping list.

3. Diet and period

In general, it is important to pay attention to your diet during your period . And by that we don't mean doing without the feel-good foods or leaving out the chocolate, you need what you need! Still, there are some nutritional tips that can help ease menstrual cramps and improve your overall well-being - so worth a try in our opinion!

Here are some diet tips that might help you during this time:

  1. Balanced meals:
    Make sure you're eating a balanced diet with a mix of carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This can help keep your energy up and reduce mood swings.
  2. Iron Rich Foods:
    We already talked about iron - so nothing new! Take your iron with you!
  3. Foods containing magnesium:
    Magnesium can help reduce muscle spasms and mood swings. Foods like nuts, seeds, whole grains, green vegetables, and bananas are high in magnesium.
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Foods:
    Foods with anti-inflammatory properties can reduce period pain and inflammation. These include oily fish (like salmon), turmeric, ginger, berries, olive oil and green tea.
  5. Hydration:
    Make sure to drink enough water to keep your body well hydrated. This can help reduce swelling and increase overall comfort during your period.
  6. Avoiding Salt and Sugary Foods:
    Excessive consumption of salt can cause water retention and worsen swelling. Therefore, reduce the consumption of salty foods during your period. Sugar can also make mood swings worse, so try to eat sugary foods in moderation.
  7. Small, regular meals:
    Rather than eating large meals, smaller, more frequent meals may help keep energy levels and blood sugar levels more stable.
  8. Caffeine and Alcohol Limitation:
    Both substances can increase menstrual cramps and interfere with sleep. Therefore, reduce the consumption of caffeinated beverages and alcohol.
  9. Individual needs:
    Every body is different. Pay attention to how certain foods affect your symptoms. If you find that certain foods are making your symptoms worse, try to avoid them during your period.
  10. Dietary supplements:
    If you have concerns about getting enough nutrients, supplements may be an option in consultation with a doctor. However, it is more ideal to get nutrients from natural foods.

It is important to note that individual preferences and needs may vary. A healthy and balanced approach to eating can help ease menstrual cramps and make you feel better during this time, but of course it doesn't have to work and obviously every menstruator can also rely on their favorite foods.

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